The Future of Software as a Service (SaaS) & Cloud Technology

July 20, 2017

Jennifer Moore

The Future of Software as a Service (SaaS) & Cloud Technology

Remember when you had to download a program to each of your smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc. that you used on a regular basis? Have you noticed now that you normally no longer have to do this? Simply all you need is your user name and password. This is the result of the rise of software as a service (SaaS) and Cloud based applications.

Software integration has changed a great deal in the last 10 years thanks to cloud technology. It is because of the cloud and service based programs (programs that you only need to access via a username and password) that business enhancing applications are more affordable. But cloud based software as a service is so much more than just affordable. These programs are also more complete, technologically advanced, and more user-friendly than they were in the past. There’s no question that cloud solutions work more efficiently and are easier to use for businesses than the more conventional software. It is because of the Cloud that employees, managers, owners, and investors can access programs from any device located anywhere around the world. However, this does not mean that Cloud SaaS programs are insecure, to the contrary, many offer more security as they are all accessed virtually, and the software remains in a limited location which is monitored and kept safe.

What Are The Benefits of Cloud Based Technology?

There are actually a number of benefits which include:

  • IT enterprises can introduce innovation quicker and more efficiently. And this innovative change is available immediately to all users.
  • Cloud applications can access public networks or users can access from corporate VPNs as well as from any location (such as laptops, tablets, and smartphones.)
  • SaaS applications also offer an additional advantage in the form of Cloud based data centers. These give enterprises access to real time data analytics. This is information that can give transport companies better customer service, turnaround times, pick ups and deliveries. It is this data that implies better corporate growth.
  • One of the most important features of Cloud server applications is that by using the Cloud a company places less stress on their in-house IT resources.
  • Cloud technology gives smaller businesses the opportunity to participate and use large enterprise applications that were previously unable to them for a variety of reasons including the lack of IT resources and the lack of funds.

The Future of SaaS in The Transportation Industry

Looking ahead, we are likely to see more growth in the SaaS industry because of the increased development of smartphone technology. As on-demand Cloud technology becomes more popular for transportation corporations, we will also see a new generation of data-driven technologies that will better meet transportation industry requirements. Areas of development will be in organization, customer service, training and education for drivers, and more efficiency in pickup and delivery.

Why Building Up Your SaaS Cloud Technology is Important

The transportation industry is a highly competitive field, and it is important to remain competitive, but doing so relies on your ability to introduce new features and technologies in your customer offerings. This ability can only come from the constant innovation and integration of new Cloud SaaS technology. These applications offer scalability, meaning they grow as your enterprise grows. Best of all, this type of application fits a transport company of any size, whether large or small. It is this scalable infrastructure that is critical for growth, especially for smaller transportation companies. SaaS applications offer more functionality at a lower price. More importantly, it is this that offers organizational solutions that are cost effective. Cloud applications deliver simplicity, performance, and reliability.

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