real time coaching, fleet, driver, transportation, zenduit, telematics

Real-Time Coaching: Why Fleets Need It

New technologies for carriers allow for better operations and margins for their business. So taking advantage of innovative tools and strategies is key for any fleet to remain profitable. One technology that needs to be highlighted are connected cameras and how they allow for real-time coaching strategies to be implemented. Since many carriers still only […]

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driver coaching, zenscore, fleet, driver behaviour, transportation

Using The Power Of Telematics To Coach Drivers And Achieve Better Outcomes

Telematics tells you what your drivers are doing right — a far cry from the perception that fleet dash cams are simply “Big Brother” taking drivers to task over every perceived infraction. By coaching your fleet, you reinforce positive behaviors, which leads to greater road safety, adherence to corporate policy and greater retention.   All […]

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Fundamentals Of Building A Resilient Cold Chain

Cold chain management for the pharmaceutical industry is more than just a supply chain – it’s a lifeline that many people depend on. High-value pharmaceutical commodities are critical to human health, and they require extra care and professional handling and distribution. Most pharmaceutical products are highly temperature-sensitive and require to be stored and transported in […]

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food transportation, telematics, refeers

Food Transportation And High Temperatures Never Mix

As businesses begin to reopen, commercial fleets that transport fresh food products may start to feel pressure of new demand. And given the current economic environment, losing revenue due to temperature irregularities will place additional unnecessary stress on managers and drivers to ensure that shipments are never rejected.  Here we will discuss the responsibilities that […]

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Businesses Managing Finances During Uncertain Times: The Role Of Telematics

It’s important for every business to do what they can to stay profitable, however, now with uncertain times upon us, this is more important than ever before. In fact, many are looking to telematics for solutions when it comes to managing finances during uncertain times. Choosing to ignore this need to adjust could have detrimental […]

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Using Technology To Maintain Social Distancing in Fleets

Many organizations are implementing new initiatives to allow for better social distancing. While some businesses have been able to allow for work from home opportunities, others have had to drastically change how they operate. When speaking to the transportation industry, new and innovative forms of technology can be used to maintain social distancing. In fact, […]

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reducing downtime, fleet, truck, management, maintenance, breakdown, technology

Reducing Downtime: How Technology In Fleets Should Be Leveraged

There are many unexpected costs that can arise in fleet operations, and recently, managers are focusing on the costs associated with downtime. As these costs can add up to cost businesses hundreds if not thousands of dollars, it’s something that needs to be addressed. Specifically, what is causing downtime, how productivity is halted and how […]

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