The Power Of Combining CRM With Telematics

Telematics and CRM software solutions are powerful tools. As they both focus on improving the visibility of company operations and improving financial performance, many businesses already have these programs in place. However, when businesses focus on integrating and combining CRM with telematics, the benefits are intensified and many can expect to notice 6 powerful benefits. […]

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AI And Trucking: Integrating The Two Is Critical During A Pandemic

Technology is advancing at impressive rates. When speaking about telematics, artificial intelligence has played a critical role in the innovation and development of many solutions for vehicle-based businesses. If you have yet to implement telematics initiatives using AI advancements, it is time to do it as there are 5 noticeable benefits that arise.  Artificial Intelligence […]

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Why Now Is The Time To Implement Telematics

With the world changing, businesses need to stay innovative and agile so they can remain profitable. Doing this will allow them to succeed in nearly any environment or circumstance that may arise. In reference to current events, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused many businesses around the world to change how they operate – with most […]

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New Features: ZenduTruckMate – V2.0

Published on May 15, 2020 by Product Team New features in TruckMate V2.0 will allow users to better streamline operations as users can optimize the dispatching and driver process even more. This feature is available with the Geotab-Truckmate integration.

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Businesses Managing Finances During Uncertain Times: The Role Of Telematics

It’s important for every business to do what they can to stay profitable, however, now with uncertain times upon us, this is more important than ever before. In fact, many are looking to telematics for solutions when it comes to managing finances during uncertain times. Choosing to ignore this need to adjust could have detrimental […]

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Using Technology To Maintain Social Distancing in Fleets

Many organizations are implementing new initiatives to allow for better social distancing. While some businesses have been able to allow for work from home opportunities, others have had to drastically change how they operate. When speaking to the transportation industry, new and innovative forms of technology can be used to maintain social distancing. In fact, […]

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Technology Adapting To Help COVID-19 Relief

As many already know, the world has greatly changed over the last few weeks. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused the public to adjust the way they live in order to reduce the spread of the virus. While it may be easy to focus on the limitations that social distancing and work from home recommendations bring, […]

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Innovative Response Units: Paramedics Implement Telematics

Time is of the essence for first responders as they are required to quickly respond to those in need. While in most cases they are able to arrive fast and have enough training to successfully help individuals in need, sometimes, having more data and information available could be beneficial. With this being said, many first […]

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telematics myths, solutions, data, fleets

Telematics Myths You Need To Watch Out For

As a provider of telematics to various industries, ZenduIT has found that there are certain telematics myths that many business owners still believe in. In fact, we’ve noticed that even if a myth is not true, it can still account as a roadblock for a business moving forward with telematics technology. Limiting the organization from […]

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covid 19, coronavirus, zenducheck, temperature monitoring, health, symptoms, health status monitoring

How To Protect Your Fleet With Health Status Monitoring Solutions

Currently COVID-19, or otherwise known as coronavirus, is a popular topic of discussion because of its quick and sudden outbreak that shocked many countries – providing them little time to find a solution. On March 11th, the virus moved so quickly and affected so many throughout the world that the World Health Organization declared it […]

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