Could Smart Wearable Technology Impact The Future Of The Trucking Industry?

February 24, 2020


Could Smart Wearable Technology Impact The Future Of The Trucking Industry?

Technology has advanced to the point where consumers have normalized wearing it to allow for a more connected life. While smart wearable technology has been widely accepted in industries like healthcare and fitness, its drastic advancements are allowing for more widespread adoption to happen. Specifically, this speaks to industry leaders anticipating how with the right innovation, wearable devices could one day be introduced to the transportation and logistics sector. With predictions of wearable-tech being able to improve driver communication, vehicle performance and safety, it’s something that every fleet must watch in the upcoming years. 


How Wearable Technology Could Expand To The Transportation Industry 


Increasing Communication 

Technological advancements typically include new features of improved communication. When discussing wearable technology and its possible place within the transportation sector, this is true. Some predict that wearable devices could display short but informative messages and notifications to drivers while on the road. So with a simple audio or physical notification, drivers can be informed about updates at a glance. Essentially taking messaging tools that currently allow managers to have two-way communication with drivers one step further. To be specific, some predictions include smartwatches displaying updates about their hours of service (HOS) and required rest breaks or even smart glasses displaying GPS route information. 


Vehicle Performance 

If wearable technology is successfully adopted into fleets, it’s anticipated to be a tool that can monitor driver performance and habits. Specifically, wearable devices are expected to be able to relay real-time data not only from vehicle sensors to managers, but from vehicle sensors to the driver via the wearable technology. This is predicted as the device will act as a means of communication to show updates about the health of the vehicle. For example, if an engine alert occurs such as low tire pressure, it is expected that smart wearable technology could alert the driver to pull over and check their vehicle before continuing their route. 



Introducing wearable technology to fleet drivers can also help increase safety. Some are expecting wearable-tech to keep drivers aware while they are physically driving in addition to acting similarly to a man down solution. When speaking to the act of maintaining safety while driving, it’s predicted that wearable devices could notify drivers of unsafe driving conditions around them in real-time. 

Some predict that the technology could advance to notify drivers of:

  • Possible distracted driving to prompt them to refocus on driving,
  • Fatigued driving,
  • Road concerns ahead such as potholes or traffic,
  • Vehicles in blind spots once they signal to switch lanes.

A quick vibration of a smartwatch or a visual alert through their smart glasses is all that would need to happen to alert the driver of such events. Additionally, wearable technology can use its feature of monitoring human movement to detect if an accident occurred or even act as a ‘help button’. Both of these incidents would prompt the manager to make contact with the driver to confirm their safety or possibly send first responders to their location. 


What Fleet Managers Can Do In The Present 


Since the use of smart wearable technology has not been fully introduced to the transportation industry, managers must use the tools available to ensure success. When it comes to the above concerns of boosting communication, monitoring vehicle performance and maintaining safety, there are ZenduIT-specific telematics solutions such as Zendu Messenger, ZenduMaintenance, and ZenduCAM on the market that can do all of this and more. 

If you’re interested in learning more about how you can do all of this and more with telematics, contact us today!