Get Ahead With Asset Management In 2022

As 2021 draws to a close, asset supervisors and managers are granted the opportunity to take stock and assess their current asset management processes; what worked, what didn’t, and where they can improve. Perhaps there are concerns surrounding missing or misused assets, or perhaps the organization hasn’t been using existing assets to their fullest capacity. With the new year comes opportunities and greater possibilities; ZenduIT has a new roster of best-in-show expert asset management strategies for 2022 that will let you operate efficiently while positively impacting your bottom line.

Top-line asset management tracking and operating systems such as ZenduIT’s Trax Indoor can benefit enterprises of all sizes in addressing common concerns such as:

  • Missing assets, whether misplaced or due to actual theft. Software can include real-time asset tracking using Trax Indoor, which integrates visibility both indoors and out.
  • Optimal utilization of assets, including ROI asset utilization analyses and many other data points that help you decide whether to sell or rent under-used vehicles.
  • Peak-performance software, which addresses and successfully integrates your company’s individual needs—be it in health care or construction work, in warehouses or on farms.

Fleet management software must be nimble and custom-tailored to the needs of specific industries, while still being digitally robust enough to support the fleet managers who rely on good, fast data. Here are just some of the highlights of moving to ZenduIT asset management software.
indoor tracking, trax indoor, beacon, ble, warehouse, forklift

ZenduIT Advantages

Fleet managers have had some hard lessons in the digital age; as telematics experts, we’ve seen it all. Many fleets have purchased asset tracking systems based on cellular coverage alone, and been grossly disappointed when their vehicles went outside the cell coverage area.

What makes ZenduIT so unbeatable is our robust coverage. ZenduIT’s asset tracking and management software, in addition to cellular, also relies on satellite tracking, solar-powered trackers, and even Bluetooth beacon technology. Here are the perks:

Satellite Tracking

  • Easy to install, with no wires or antennas, and provides pinpoint accuracy across the globe.
  • Works in harsh climates and temperatures between -40o to +85o C.
  • Uses military-grade Lithium AA batteries on your tracker, with alerts for when the battery runs low.
  • Can sync asset tracking with cell phones, fleet command centres, and many more data capture points.
  • Helps streamline fleet management and administrative tasks by integrating with GoFleet software.

FLEX Solar Tracking

  • Self-charging and energy harvesting, removes the need to replace any battery, ever.
  • Perfect for assets in remote places, such as trailers, containers, fleet vehicles and more.
  • Provides near real-time tracking and management data, including work utilization, dwell time, service maintenance needs, and captures logged entry and exit of set areas or yards.
  • Engineered for harsh conditions with long-life solar cells, perfect for long-term deployment.
  • Provides fleets with a sustainable option that offers enduring visibility for their assets.

BLE Beacon Tracking

  • Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons are specially equipped for detailed short-range communication, within a 250-metre range.
  • Ideal for vehicles in warehouses and indoor areas that traverse heavy inventory.
  • Built-in sensors provide data sets such as vehicle status, condition, location, impacts, temperature, battery level, light exposure and other measures of performance.
  • Temperature sensors, which range from -40o to +80o C, provide data readings at 1-minute intervals.

Pro-Tips from ZenduIT

Since fleets have different needs, it’s likely that only a few asset trackers from each carrier will prove beneficial. To gauge which are the best asset management trackers for your specific needs, ZenduIT experts advise their clients to first assess the following:

  1. What industry is your fleet a part of?
  2. What aspect of the fleet do you want to prioritize? Safety? Efficiency? Maintenance? All of the above?
  3. Does your fleet always—or only—operate within cellular coverage areas?
  4. How often will location updates be needed? Every day? Hourly? In real-time?

These are important benchmarks you’ll want to have clearly in hand before choosing asset management software or contracting our telematics experts.

Next, we feature just a few of the perks for those using ZenduIT’s asset tracking IT, Trax Indoor.

Trax Indoor Advantages

Trax Indoor uses beacons and readers to provide real-time data on many indoor assets at once, such as in multi-floor warehouses, hospitals, laboratories, manufacturing centres, retail spaces and other large or connected areas.

The beauty of Trax Indoor is that it’s nimble, allowing us to craft and calibrate the data capture beacons and readers specific to each industry’s needs. Trax Indoor features include:

Various Collection Points

Trax Indoor uses door and temperature sensors, for instance, to assure temperature preservation of high-value goods. It can set alerts for e-log notice of when each vehicle enters or exits a zone, or review the historical location of any asset, previous movements and real-time use.

Optimal Utilization Solutions

Trax Indoor offers expert command centre visibility for any of your moving assets indoors, while integrating with a range of outdoor asset tracking software. This includes custom command-centre maps, utilization records, movement history, service and maintenance records, and countless more programmable beacons and sensors.

Intelligent Action

The range of data from Trax Indoor beacons and readers provides historical, actionable data so fleet teams can make informed decisions. It also allows for customizable alerts—warning fleet command or personnel of asset issues. To paraphrase some fantastic fleet advice from the ZenduIT-Trax digital designers: ‘To keep costs low, keep utilization and visibility high.’ This mantra will save your business’ ROI, every time.

Trax Indoor/ZenduIT Advantages

It’s important for us at ZenduIT to ensure our clients are well-served, their assets well-protected and maintained, and their employees as well-cared for, engaged and informed as possible.

That’s why we know perhaps nothing will help your fleet more in 2022 than taking advantage of superior fleet management and tracking capability.

Here are some more of the exciting features of utilizing ZenduIT’s Trax Indoor asset management software.

Superior Asset Management Systems & Solutions: Merry 2022

When asset tracking improves and becomes simpler to manage, everyone within your organization benefits. We recommend ZenduIT’s Trax Indoor for improved fleet management integration:

  • BLE Beacons. Place beacons on your more important assets so they always remain visible, with precise movement history, captured and transmitted in real-time.
  • Apply Readers. Set up readers at various locations within the same floor plans to collect specific data points.
  • Configure the Rules. Your fleet’s command centre will be able to seamlessly monitor location and movement history for entire fleets, while your HR and fleet management team craft and fine-tune alerts, notifications or other driving-team notices, company updates, driver events, or new rules.
  • Maintain Maintenance. ZenduIT software streamlines servicing by automating and monitoring maintenance schedules as well as asset diagnostics, which can prevent breakdowns.
  • Free Your Team. These asset and inventory management and tracking software solutions allow your fleet operations team peace of mind through hard data, automating e-logs, requisitions and much more.

These asset-tracking software solutions allow insight into the utilization of every last vehicle and major asset on your books. Stay savvy.

construction site, telematics, zenduit, asset tracker, safety
construction workers and sites

The ZenduIT/Trax Indoor Advantages: Construction Teams

Our experts can help your fleet operations team gauge whether ZenduIT and Trax Indoor are recommended for your particular asset tracking and inventory management system. One of the industries sure to covet this emerging technology is construction, for a host of reasons:

  • Improved Safety. Construction sites are prone to accidents, injuries, hazards, faulty equipment, even tragedies such as accidental death. By effectively maintaining, tracking and managing your fleet’s vehicles and assets, you can help mitigate issues before they arise.
  • Budget Forecasting. Captured data can help map out business costs, nail down ROI, resolve issues and improve operational costs. By streamlining and integrating the data capture, automated reports can be generated with actionable numbers.
  • Asset Growth. Keeping track of a growing fleet or other major moving assets can help you generate an Asset Profile, which lets your team assess its value, access hard data, track servicing and maintenance records, flag issues and fault codes, and report to you in real-time.
  • Cloud-Based Mobile Tracking. Getting cloud-based, mobile access to your on-site construction assets lets your organization command, monitor, report on and track all movements of vehicles and assets, and even share critical data sensor alerts automatically with your IT team.
  • Modular Construction Assets. When doing modular construction or any on-site build, asset trackers provide key data such as: equipment safety, details on building materials used, and even health or safety documents.
  • Project Management of Assets. One of the regular struggles within construction agencies is project management. ZenduIT allows for the managing of major equipment across multiple areas, creating proper workflows, reports and benchmarks.

All of these advanced capabilities help improve data collection and streamline asset tracking systems, simplifying the allocation of equipment, requisitions, purchase orders and logistics.

We have Your New Year’s Resolution

Successful fleet tracking and work management solutions of the future depend on superior data—correct measurements and tailored data captures of key factors. Contact a ZenduIT expert for a demonstration of what we can do for your organization, in 2022 and beyond.

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