Tag: upkeep

  • Predictive Maintenance VS Preventive Maintenance: Which Is Beneficial?

    Predictive Maintenance VS Preventive Maintenance: Which Is Beneficial?

    How Predictive Maintenance Can Be More Cost Effective Than Preventive Maintenance Fleets are entering a time where efficiency is rewarded heavily and the faster processes take place, the more the fleets benefit. But in the race of making processes efficient and increasing profits, fleets tend to forget about the long-term game.  Vehicles being used to…

  • How Investing In Preventive Maintenance Has Long Term ROI For Fleets

    How Investing In Preventive Maintenance Has Long Term ROI For Fleets

    Understanding The Value Of Preventative Maintenance Businesses with fleets are being overwhelmed with their workload on a consistent basis and it’s easy to forget to have a proper maintenance schedule in place. This is because ensuring proper maintenance only really has long term benefits, which means it’s easy for it to be neglected and procrastinated…

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