Category: Lone Worker Safety

  • Is Your Company Correctly Following the Work Alone Laws?

    Is Your Company Correctly Following the Work Alone Laws?

    Many employees are uncomfortable or even frightened in their workplace because they work alone. Canada’s Centre for Occupational Health and Safety has taken steps to protect these workers with Occupational Health and Safety Code 2009 Part 28. These lone worker laws say that the employer of anyone working alone must “provide an effective communication system…that…

  • Health and Safety in Construction

    Health and Safety in Construction

    Just recently was the National Day of Mourning in Canada, where every April 28 we pause to reflect on those that have lost their lives or suffered a major injury in a work-related tragedy, like a construction site fall. The Canadian flag flew at half-mast and many workers paused for a moment of silence. It…

  • Top 5 Most Dangerous Lone Worker Jobs

    Top 5 Most Dangerous Lone Worker Jobs

    According to CareerCast, some of the most dangerous jobs are those where employees often work alone. The company reviewed government data to find that the most dangerous jobs include first responders (firefighters), health care (nursing assistants), and transportation (truck drivers). Many of these dangerous jobs involve lone workers, and those lone worker risks need to…

  • Protect Your Solo Workers with Lone Defender

    Protect Your Solo Workers with Lone Defender

    The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics found in a study that security guards suffered fatal workplace injuries at more than twice that of workers in general. These risks were especially prevalent at night. These guards were stationed in department stores, shopping centers, office buildings, transportation terminals, museums and more. Their injuries came from retaliation by…

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