Arrow Specialized Carriers – ZenScore

ZenScore helped set up custom safety reports to reduce unsafe driving behaviour within Arrow Specialized’s fleet. Previously Arrow would manually track and log driving behaviours which took up a lot of our time and effort. Using the automated tracking and reporting capabilities of ZenScore, they are able to drastically improve performance and reduce workload. Arrow is able to reduce hash braking incidents by 30%, speeding by 40%. Saved $500 a vehicle per year.

Arrow has a customer who requires that the delivery team they higher meet certain safety requirements in driving behaviour. Using ZenScore Arrow can provide analytics to their customer and ensure they meet safety compliances and regulations. ZenScore allows Arrow Specialized Carriers to thrive in this competitive market. By offering an edge that allows Arrow to be highly efficient in their work efforts, and reducing risk.

Arrow Specialized Carriers uses ZenScore to track and improve their driver’s performance and habits. They use the driver scores feature to determine which drivers are not performing up to company standards. The driver contests help improve driver morale and incentives the team to be more cautious and efficient in their driving behaviour. The dashboard provides the company’s manager with an easy to understand visual representation of the in-field data from their fleet, such as speed and harsh braking.

Arrow Specialized Carriers have a customer which requires Arrow’s entire driver base driving behaviour, meets their safe driving standards. Using ZenScore Arrow Specialized Carriers were able to meet that customers safety requirements, while also providing accurate reports and metrics on driver’s driving behaviour. Giving Arrow Specialized Carriers the competitive advantage to land the contract with the client.

Describe the opportunity or pain area that was identified? (Baseline Benchmark Data – Before)

Previously they were tracking and monitoring driving habits manually, which took a large amount of time and energy from the manager. Also, this was not very reliable for reporting up to date data. They were also not able to create adequate reports of the data, that were clear and concise. This resulted in an ineffective process of measuring driver behaviour due to unreliable data from the field.

In addition with Arrow Specialized Carriers, transporting high-value commodities. The ability to mitigate risk was of high value for their operation.

Using ZenScore they are able to get real-time statistics and data on in-field driving behaviour. This gives them the ability to have a solid understanding of their fleet’s performance. The dashboard gave the manager the ability to understand the data very easily.

Also using the visual dashboard, he was able to present the results to his drivers which helped them understand which parts were really impacting their performance and needed improvement. The driver scores gave the manager a simple way to identify which drivers were performing below par. The driver contests were key to improving driving performance, by giving the drivers motivation, and a clear metric to achieve.

Describe and define any quantifiable results

ZenScore was able to reduce harsh braking by 30% and speeding by 40% with contests in place. To add reducing idling by 20% in 2 weeks.

Saved $500 a vehicle per year.

Testimonial or Quotes from Customer

“ We like all the safety features on ZenScore, we have to meet strict safety guidelines and regulations, and ZenScore helps meet safety regulations and improve results, we were able to reduce harsh braking by 30%.”

-Dan, Manager at Arrow Specialized Carriers,

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