How Telematics And Gamification Can Lead To A Stronger Fleet

gamification, fleet, driver safety, zenscore, zenduit, fleet management

Not too long ago, mega-retailer Amazon came under fire yet again, this time for using AI-powered cameras to keep watch over their drivers while on the job. While the cameras in and of themselves aren’t problematic, the number of false positives due to inflexible algorithms have led to nothing short of an employee revolt. In addition, drivers are being forced to sign “biometric consent” forms in order to keep their jobs with the retailer.


According to the form, obtained by Vice:

“Amazon may … use certain Technology that processes Biometric Information, including on-board safety camera technology which collects your photograph for the purposes of confirming your identity and connecting you to your driver account … Using your photograph, this Technology may create Biometric Information, and collect, store, and use Biometric Information from such photographs.”


Using dash cam technology isn’t a new concept for commercial fleets; tracking vehicle location, miles driven, acceleration and/or harsh braking are all metrics by which fleet managers can assess the safety, productivity and efficiency of their drivers and vehicles. However, using those same metrics to determine how much drivers will get paid, particularly when the AI logic is questionable, creates a work culture of tension, surveillance and mistrust.




There’s an easier way to engage drivers and get buy-in when it comes to dash cam technology.

Gamification uses gaming principles and applies them to non-game contexts to better engage users. Through the lens of dash cams and telematics, fleet managers have an opportunity to take data sets from telematics and create a rich environment for training, productivity and evaluation.


Here, the goal of gamification is to reward safety and compliance; keeping drivers motivated while becoming more skilled at their job, and inspiring them to achieve professional goals. Some examples of game mechanics used in gamification are:

  • Goals – Completing a predetermined task to get a reward, such as a badge or points. Other rewards could be discounts, coupons, or gift cards.
  • Status – Drivers increasing their rank or level by completing activities. Leaderboards that identify who is ‘winning’ can inspire drivers to engage in friendly competition.
  • Teamwork – Solving problems, completing activities, or achieving objectives as a pair or group.
  • Education – Routine tips or quizzes given on a regular cadence provided to drivers throughout the process.


How ZenScore can help you gamify safe driving


ZenScore is a driver engagement tool that can help identify dangerous driving habits with quantifiable assessments on driving behaviour. Working in tandem with your fleet’s dash cams, the app can incentivize drivers to improve their performance through contests and KPI metrics. Each driver is provided a “safety score” and overall ranking within the fleet so that managers can identify high-risk drivers while rewarding safe drivers.


The ZenScore smart dashboard provides a holistic overview of your entire fleet, giving you full visibility into your fleet’s status, performance, and safety. The app comes complete with ZenduIT-made dashboards, but you can also create your own customized dashboards with the data and measurements that matter most to you. Set up multiple dashboards to break up data by types, vehicles, groups, etc. and switch between different time periods to get a more accurate sense of your fleet’s performance over time.

With the Driver Score tab, you can quickly assess the safety and efficiency of your drivers. Each driver is given a safety score so you can easily identify unsafe drivers and help coach them to improve. Narrow down safety scores by time-frame to see trends over time, and export all data to spreadsheet for at-a-glance reference. 


Metrics can be assessed either per-driver or per-vehicle, and drivers have full visibility of their standings in real-time via their mobile device, so they can rate their performance against their peers.


The data sets that Zenscore provides allows you to create contests based on safety and efficiency performance metrics, so you can incentivize your drivers to stay safe on the road. In turn, you’ll find that you will retain a top-tier roster of drivers who are not only safe and compliant, but also engaged and aligned with your organization’s culture.

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