3 Benefits Multi-Camera Fleet Solutions Offer Transportation Companies

multi-camera fleet solution benefits transportation companies

Vehicle accidents are often a long-term problem in the transportation industry. This issue is a huge headache for transport managers because, in the end, it comes down to the drivers word against the passenger vehicle drivers word, and unfortunately, in most people’s eyes, it is always the fault of the commercial driver. It is this one little aspect that results in huge losses for any transport company. Accidents mean higher insurance costs and high lawsuit settlements. But there is a product that helps eliminate this problem: the installation of a multi-camera fleet solution.

Should you install fleet cameras in your vehicles?

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits fleet camera systems can offer transportation companies:

1. In-Vehicle Cameras Offer Proof of Fault in Collisions

When one of the drivers in your fleet has an accident, you know the trouble that lies ahead. Insurance rates will likely go up, and even lawsuits may begin. You’ll have even more issues if there is lack of proof as to who was at fault in the collision.

Certain law firms make all of their revenue from focusing on collisions between commercial vehicles and passenger vehicles. The kicker here is that the blame is usually placed on the commercial vehicle driver. Even the media puts a lot of the blame of highway fatalities on commercial truck drivers.

The Solution: Multi-Camera Fleet Solutions

According to the Car-Truck Crashes in the National Motor Vehicle Crash Causation Study, in most cases fault is found to be with the passenger vehicle driver, yet when there is no viable proof it is usually the trucking company who is found liable.

The solution to this substantial financial loss is to use fleet dash cameras. The ZenduCAM 4-Channel Multi-Camera Fleet Solution connects up to 4 cameras in a single vehicle. This type of solution can be an ideal for semi-trucks, tow trucks, school buses and even smaller passenger vehicles. These cameras allow for viewing in the front, back, and on the side of the vehicle. Video feeds are available in real time. However, you can also play video back – and will even receive an email alert containing accident footage if one does occur.

2. Lower Costs

Prove where the fault lies by using video intelligence through camera installations. This can have profound financial savings for the company over the long run, especially when it comes to accidents. Of course, there are added benefits in that video intelligence also prevents theft and driver malpractice.

Once implemented some transportation companies claim that vehicle cameras have reduced their collision costs by as much as 30-40%. All because legal teams were able to pull the video footage and prove that the commercial driver was not at fault.

3. Video Cameras Increase Safety

Another advantage multi-camera fleet solutions offer is added protection for the vehicle and the driver. Transport companies say that camera installation on vehicles also decreases accident rates by as much as 30%. The camera system works by sending video feeds to fleet managers when the driver performs an unordinary action such as hard braking and quick acceleration. For instance, when a driver hits the brakes quickly and harshly at a traffic light. The video camera captures near accidents, or even when a driver might speed up to pass a yellow light. This offers managers a chance to talk to drivers about their actions and how they can improve it under certain circumstances.

Overall Improved Communications, Safety and Security

In-vehicle camera technology has improved immensely over the past few years and ZenduCAM’s Fleet Camera Systems are proof of this. Dash cameras help give good drivers confidence and assist managers to communicate more effectively with their drivers. New in-vehicle camera systems installed on mobile units put the driver and manager back in control when it comes to collisions. It is an important business tool that demonstrates the true reason for the accident. And more importantly, a camera system offers proof of who is at fault in a collision, or even when a driver makes a mistake and causes a near collision.

Transportation Research Board: Car-Truck Crashes in the National Motor Vehicle Crash Causation Study
Heavy Duty Trucking: Monitoring Driver Behavior Can Improve Safety, Reduce Costs
Heavy Duty Trucking: Cameras in the Cab

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